Business Continuity

Business Continuity Maturity Assessment

It's a common problem to know you have gaps in your resilience but not know how to fix it.

The Business Continuity Maturity Assessment is an external, expert opinion on your current state of preparedness and a guide of how to improve.


 Get in touch 

The process

Our certified Business Continuity practitioners review your documentation and processes across five key areas.

You’ll receive a benchmark score for each section and for your overall preparedness. We’ll also identify any gaps and provide actionable recommendations for how to improve your resilience.

The Business Continuity Discovery Workshop

Resilience spans all departments and areas of the organisation from the boardroom to the shop floor. We bring together your senior stakeholders and key business continuity team to reflect and discuss processes.

The workshop is vital to get a picture of your current preparedness but also to begin creating a shared vision of resilience in your operations.

The Business Continuity Best Practice Report

You will be provided with a full report of our review with benchmarked-scores across each area of resilience.

We identify areas of strength and provide actionable recommendations for where improvements can be made. It’s your roadmap to becoming more resilient.

Fill out the form to get a quote.
See how Business Continuity as a Service can help your business.


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1 Bridges Court
SW11 3BB

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